- Four iPhone 4
- One iPhone 4s
- 2 MacBook Pros
- 1 MacBook
- 1 iMac desktop
- 2 iPads
Reading his biography educated me.
Steve, thank you for:
- The Apple II - first personal computer not just for geeks
- The Macintosh - birth of the home computer revolution
- Being CEO of Pixar - responsible for Toy Story, Finding Nemo, WALL-E and other digital animations delights
- Apple stores - the store as brand
- The iPod - giving me music everywhere
- The iTunes store - saved the music industry from falling entirely in the hands of pirates.
- The iPhone - my whole life in a hand held device.
- The App store - spawned a new content creation industry. (Besides, I can't live without "Words With Friends.")
- The iPad - launched tablet computing - went from "why do I need that", to "I can't live without that".
- iCloud - all my content is backed up and all my devices communicate with each other.
- Apple - the world's most valuable company, worth over $500 billion, and home to the best in imagination and creativity - a place where technology, art and design intersect.
Steve Jobs, responsible for more disruptive technologies than perhaps anyone since Thomas Edison.
I salute you.
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