I often get asked "
How much should it cost to create a website?"
The answer is “
It depends.”
Are you looking for a 5 page website to represent a small practice? Or are you looking for a 20-page site with a shopping cart feature? Will the site include Flash? A listserv? A database? Do you want the web designer to create or edit content?
All of these questions need to be answered,
before you even shop for a designer.
That means you have written all your content, know how many web pages you need, and what you want your website to do,
before you even pick up the phone. Most people think you hire the designer and then figure out the content of the website. In fact,
web design follows web content, and not the other way around. In their November 2011 issue,
Website Magazine published the following estimates:
Logo: Student/Offshore designer: $100 - $250+
Freelance/Professional designer: $250 – $1,000+
Basic/Brochure Website: Student/Offshore designer: $500 - $1,000+
Freelance/Professional designer: $1,500 – $5,000+
e-Commerce Website: Outsourced designer: $1,000 - $15,000+
Design Firm: $2,000 – $10,000+
Custom Database and/or Interactive Website:Outsourced designer: $1,500 - $15,000+
Design Firm: $2,500 – $25,000+
A more expensive designer may finish your project faster than a less expensive designer – saving you money and aggravation in the long run.
Sometimes you get what you pay for.