Hard to believe that less than 5 years ago, I didn't have a smartphone.
It has become essential to me, along with my MacBook Pro, and my iPad.
I will tell you why.
(Hats off to Damon Darling's "How I Learned to Stop Worrying by Loving the Smartphone" which inspired this post.)
1. I am no longer lost.
I have profound and legendary geographical agnosia. Translation: I can't find my way out of a paper bag. l can't find my way around the small town in which I live. I need GPS at all times, every day, the minute I leave my house. Fortunately, there's an app for that, GPS Drive. Now I am oriented at all times, even when I am walking.
2. I no longer waste time.
I can work anytime, anywhere. Answer e-mails, write my next blog post, make business calls. I am so efficient.
3. I no longer waste time.
I am always waiting for something, somewhere. My doctor's waiting room, my dentist's chair, the supermarket checkout line, are boring no more. I can read a book on my Kindle app, play Words With Friends, plan to break into a bank (The Heist), even conjure up a vacation planning to do list (InstaTodo.)
4. I know everything.
Thank you Google. In a matter of seconds, I can look up anything. Thank you TED - I can listen to great minds sharing their wisdom, in under 20 minute sound bites. Thank you Krulwich Wonders, for giving me something smart to talk about at cocktail parties.
5. I can shop for anything.
I sometimes need stuff delivered to me ASAP. A hard to find shade of Burt's Bees lip shimmer, a video editing program like Final Cut Express, my favorite hard to find Itoen Jasmine Green Tea. Ah, the wonders of Amazon.com's Prime program. For $75 a year, I get two day free shipping on all these items and so many more. Have you checked out Amazon lately? They have it all. Even the filter for my 2003 Maytag fridge.
I love my smartphone.
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