That's easy - the social media decade.
But before we burst into the second decade of the 21st century with social media barrels firing, lets take a walk down memory lane and review the past 10 years worth of hardware and software miracles - as they were first introduced.
2000 - The Hi-Speed USB 2.0 becomes the industry standard along with Windows 2000. We still use it today (the USB 2.0 interface - not Windows 2000).
2001 - This is the first promotional video for the iPod. No iPod, no podcasts.
2002 - before MySpace, Facebook, and LinkedIn there was ... Friendster ... the first modern, general social network. It still exists.
2003 - Welcome to Facebook in a suit. LinkedIn, a business-oriented social networking site, is launched.
2004 - At the first Web 2.0 Conference, Tim O'Reilly contrasts Web 2.0 with Web 1.0. Here he is, a few years later explaining Web. 2.0 to a reporter.
2005 - Ning, an online platform for people to create their own social networks is launched.
2006 - Twitter is launched. Here is an early CBS news report trying to explain what it is.
2007 - The iPhone is introduced. Watch the first four commercials. No smart phone, no apps.
2008 - Blogger is the top social media sites with 222 million unique worldwide visitors. This took less than 10 years to achieve. Here is what blogger looked like in 1999 when it was first launched.
2009 - YouTube reaches "well over a billion views a day" worldwide. YouTube is the top online brand ranked by video streams in the U.S. In November 2009 alone, 106.9 million unique visitors watched 6.8 billion streams on YouTube.
How many of the technology/websites introduced over the past decade will still be in use in 2020?
Happy 2010!