I need to come clean right away. I have never downloaded or used Instagram.
But let's get real, we all know that my ability to spot trends, is shall we say, spotty. Facebook bought Instagram in 2012 for 1 billion dollars.
Didn't see that coming at all.
Let me explain: Instagram is a photo sharing app. I share my photos all the time - without the help of Instagram.
My daughter has informed me that I don't get it. "It's all about the filters," she said.
Let me explain what she means:
1. Download Instagram
2. Take a photo thorugh Instagram
3. Apply a filter. "Instagram is well known for its filters, and there are 20 different looks you can use. Each filter provides a different look, coloring, and feel to the photo, so it can be fun to make your photo look unique simply by applying a different filter." I told my daughter I have never felt the urge to apply a filter to anything.
Let me explain further:
Instagram lets you share your photo, or "select Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, email, Flickr, or Foursquare, and share on those networks as well." I can do that on my iPhone.
Further yet:
Your photos are saved to an album in your Instagram account. As I write, my photos are saved on my iPhone, iPad and MacBook Pro. Without the help of Instagram.
Instagram also allows you to:
Follow people on Instragram.
You can use hashtags, so that all of your photos about #icecreamflavorsIlove are grouped together.
Instagram is now allowing videos. (Already doing this on my iPhone.) Ah, but the app allows you to use 13 video filters.
Facebook bought Instagram for 1 billion dollars.
Clearly there is something about filters I just don't get.
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