We aren't really to blame. We are not taught legal stuff in med school or grad school. And lawyers who really understand our unique concerns are few and hard to locate.
So imagine how thrilled I was when some months ago, my favorite peeps at "Where The Client Is" published "Mental Health and the Law," a fabulous list of online articles about just that. (Please note that many of these sites require free registration before actually accessing the material.)
Here are my favs:
- Malpractice Dangers for Psychiatrists. How many therapists are sophisticated about malpractice? See first paragraph above.
(This article is directed toward psychiatrists, but the information is relevant for all mental health practitioners.) - Therapist’s Guide for Preparing a Professional Will. Have you ever thought about what would happen to your practice if you die suddenly or are incapacitated without warning? Bet you haven't.
- A number of years ago, I testified in court as an expert on behalf of a client. I don't remember ANYTHING about the case. What I do remember is that I was terrified, clueless, and the attorney on the case allocated a max of 10 minutes to prepping me. I needed "When Professionals Go To Court: Preparing To Testify."
- I worked for only one facility that actually had standards for writing chart notes. Here’s what you need to know about keeping, transferring, and destroying patient records: Patient Records Legal Primer
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