Today, I got religion about website creation, content and design:
- Thou shalt update thy website on a regular basis - don’t have one if you can’t maintain it!!!
- Thou shalt have a manageable website - less ambitious web sites are more manageable.
- Thou shalt do your homework – look at your competition’s websites. Make a list of sites you like – analyze why you like them. Make a list of sites you don’t like – analyze why you don’t. This is critical info to have before you hire a web designer or build your own site.
- Thou shalt only put up well written web content - if you are not a good writer have someone who is edit your stuff!
- Thou shalt not make your website visitors hunt for your contact information – nothing is more frustrating.
- Thou shalt make your text BIG enough - many people cannot read 9 point text.
- Thou shalt use gender neutral colors - unless you specialize in serving only one gender.
- Thou shalt not use a web design that makes your website difficult to use - sure, you could add background music, animations and more to web pages – but that doesn’t mean you should. Many people do not have the latest technology or fast cable modems, so avoid using flash based pop-ups, animations and splash screens that take a long time to download.
- Thou shalt think hard before sharing personal information of the type: “Our cats, Boots and Zoey, are a delightful part of our lives.”
- Thou shalt only use professional photographs on thy website.
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